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The Backbone of Your Smart Home: A Robust Home Network

Learn the Signs That Suggest Your Home Network Needs an Upgrade

The Backbone of Your Smart Home: A Robust Home Network

If you’ve experienced the luxurious ease of smart home technology at home in Westchester County, NY, you may wonder how you lived without it. Shades raise and lower throughout the day, lights settle into the perfect hue, the temperature adjusts automatically, and your home welcomes you with exquisite music that fills each room and outdoor space. And all this occurs without touching a thing. 

Of course, your smart home does much more than create the perfect environment. It also protects you with a robust security system and provides hours of fun and entertainment with the ultimate 4K HDR technology, online gaming, and your favorite streaming playlists.

A smart home transforms your everyday tasks and takes daily living into the realm of the surreal. Yet, we sometimes take the backbone of this remarkable system for granted, the home networking system. 

The home network keeps each device connected to your automation system and to each other. Without it, we would go back to switching our lights on, setting our temperatures, and controlling our audio-video equipment from separate devices in every room.

SEE ALSO: A Remote Monitoring System Keeps You Connected with Your Home

A Robust Network

Your home’s network is the digital backbone that supports all of your home’s technologies, from smart devices to computers and 4K HDR TVs. Bandwidth is the amount of information that can be sent over an internet connection in a certain amount of time. Certain activities and devices are known as bandwidth hogs and include streaming 4K video and music as well as your surveillance system. As the number of connected devices increases, so does the traffic, leading to congestion and bottlenecks. 

A Few Signs Its Time to Upgrade

A few telltale signs let you know it's time to upgrade your home's network. 

Do websites seem to take longer to respond? Does the dreaded buffering interrupt your favorite Netflix series? If it’s been more than five years since you upgraded your network, technology has advanced, creating safer, more secure, and enterprise-grade home systems designed for the smart home.

The Steps to a Robust Home Network

You, your family, and your smart home deserve a robust home network that provides corner-to-corner coverage at lightning-quick speeds. To accomplish this, we’ll examine the area and consider the number of connected devices and the number of people using your network. We’ll also analyze the type of usage and the bandwidth required to ensure it all runs smoothly.

Then, we’ll calculate the exact type of network capacity your smart home needs. We may recommend additional access points to extend wireless coverage throughout the area or upgrading to a network infrastructure compatible with Wi-Fi 6, the next generation Wi-Fi. The latest in data networking features faster connections and allows your router to communicate to multiple devices at the same time while prioritizing high bandwidth content. 

For the best smart home performance, we recommend wiring some of your smart devices to the network to guarantee connectivity. That way, when you send out a command, your home will respond every time. 


At Phoenix Audio Video, we design, install, and service smart homes and the network that supports them. Our goal is to make technology fun and easy to use while transforming our clients’ lives in unimaginable ways. To learn more about home networks or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Phoenix Audio Video today.