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Josh.ai -The Home Automation That Listens To You

The Josh.ai control interface provides secure, natural voice control fit to your lifestyle

Josh.ai -The Home Automation That Listens To You

Josh.ai uses the power of your voice and its advanced processing to make smart home control of your Greenwich, CT, space equal in elegance to the decor and architecture of your luxury home. These small interfaces are built to be sophisticated and discreet, working as an extension of the house. Ready to learn more about how this voice control system works and why we recommend it? Keep reading to learn more!

Watch This to See the New Josh Nano - The World’s First Architectural Microphone!

Your Voice, Naturally Integrated

The Josh.ai platform is designed from the onset to use the power and freedom of voice control without hesitation or need of repeated commands. Utilizing the world's first architectural microphone, the Nano, the system assures clear, concise, and simple interaction.

There is no need to walk over to a touch screen and activate it, find the appropriate page, find the device, make the change you desire - state what you want, and the system acts on it.

When you want to change the lighting, open or close the shades, or modify the temperature, all you have to do is say 'Ok, Josh' and talk in your natural voice to give commands. Whether you need one action or stacked actions, the system can accommodate simultaneous commands from multiple rooms.

Each microphone unit has an awareness of its location. The Nano mic array compares the proximity of your voice and chooses the strongest signal. When standing in a room, you state the actions you want; to control another room, just add the room name desired.

Josh responds to each request, but with their VoiceCast technology, it is always clear. Voice Cast uses the distributed audio system speakers in your home to respond. Its response is always resonant and full, assuring it cannot be drowned out by room noise or bad placement.

Conversational Event Creation

The team at Phoenix Audio Video is meticulous in their planning of how your home automation works. We look at every aspect to ensure that the system does exactly what you want and expect. Even so, there are times when you may want to add a unique set of events.

Want to set up a new bedtime routine? By speaking to the system, you can set the actions and order. Tell it to put the lights to the desired level, close the shades, and play content from any of the streaming services you use. Now each time you tell Josh to set 'Bedtime Mode,' it will automatically do so.

Safe and Secure Privacy

Your home is a refuge from the world, one where you should feel safe and secure. Josh.ai is built on the premise that voice control should not come at the cost of your privacy.

Unlike other 'off the shelf' voice interfaces, Josh.ai does not collect your data and sell it to marketing firms. All voice interactions are handled locally in the control processor and home network; none of it ever leaks to the internet in any way.

Each Nano microphone interface provides local control and mute, giving comfort to safely keep intimate conversations between you and your family.

In addition, you can avoid speaking by using the sleek and thoughtfully designed mobile app. The touch control presents controls for rooms, devices in those rooms, status indications and even the ability to fine-tune self-generated events.

Josh.ai is the pinnacle of luxury home automation, blending seamlessly into the décor and giving you complete control with your voice.

To learn more about what Josh.ai can do and how to bring it to your home, reach out to our team here, or call us at (203) 338-0706. We look forward to hearing from you!