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Josh.ai Is Transforming Automated Home Control

Meet Josh.ai: The Voice Assistant Designed for Smart Homes

Josh.ai Is Transforming Automated Home Control

If you’ve delved into the world of home automation, you’ve probably experienced a level of home management once unimaginable. Today’s smart home systems offer one-touch control of lighting, climate, entertainment, security, and more. 

But wait, it gets even better. In 2015, Josh.ai was born. Josh.ai is the voice control system built for automated homes. Since then, it has made headlines, transforming how people control their smart homes and changing the home automation landscape in Chappaqua, NY, and the world. 

Let’s see how Josh.ai delivers an effortless living experience.

SEE ALSO: Crestron Home Brings Your Ideal Smart Home to Life

Natural Language Processing Technology

Unlike other voice control assistants, you don’t need to talk to Josh robotically so that he understands you. Instead, you can speak to him like you're talking to a friend or family member. Josh also doesn’t mind multitasking and won’t find your requests overbearing.

Josh was built for smart homes. This means that he understands the commands you send his way because they make sense to his internal workings. All you have to say is, “Josh, play Adele, start the fireplace, dim the lights 50%, and lower the blinds.” You don't need to tell him you're referring to the living room; he knows.

Advanced AI Technologies

The ai in Josh.ai stands for Artificial Intelligence. This means that the more you speak to Josh, the more he’ll come to understand your preferences. He’ll know that you enjoy waking up to the sun filtering through half-open blinds and nature sounds filling the home through your distributed audio system. The more you talk to Josh, the smarter your home becomes.

Eventually, he’ll automatically set the home to your desired levels of light, temperature, and sound. In fact, Josh controls most of your connected devices, including appliances, cameras, music, TVs, fans, fireplaces, garage doors, gates, sensors, shades, and so much more, to create the perfect environment for your family. 

Private and Protected

Josh takes your privacy seriously. It won’t use or share your information for personalized ads or direct marketing purposes. It’s simply there to serve and respond to your requests. 

Discrete and Beautiful

So, how does Josh hear you in every room? His "ears" are small and discreetly placed. Josh Nano is a little larger than a quarter, and Josh Micro fits into the palm of your hand, both blending in seamlessly with a home’s décor. 

When you say, “Josh, let’s watch Ozark,” he will know you’re in the media room and that Ozark is a series on Netflix. When you're in the kitchen preparing dinner and a friend stops by, tell Josh to unlock the door and turn on the lights in the foyer. 

Josh Micro also has a touch-sensitive surface that responds to your last request. For example, the touch dial controls the volume when you request music. When you turn on the lights, it transforms into a dimmer. Our certified technicians at Phoenix Audio Video can also program one tap to trigger a scene, such as turning off all audio, video, and lights when it’s time for bed, as well as locking the doors, arming the alarm, and setting the temperature. 

When you’re traveling, use the Josh App to control your home or multiple properties from anywhere in the world.

At Phoenix Audio Video, we’ve been integrating advanced home automation that’s easy to use since 2004. To learn more about smart homes and voice control, or to schedule a complimentary consultation, contact Phoenix Audio Video today.