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Fill Your Home with Beautiful Sound Using Sonos Speakers

Sonos’ High-Performance Audio and Extensive Integration Capabilities Make Their Products Ideally Suited for Smart Homes

Fill Your Home with Beautiful Sound Using Sonos Speakers

Music and sound are such an integral part of our lives that going without them for even so much as a day is a chilling idea. Given the value we place on the daily soundtrack of our lives, you want a home audio system that delivers high performance, is easy to use and plays nicely with other smart technology in your home.

If that’s what you’re looking for, it’s hard to beat Sonos speakers. Today we’ll go through what makes Sonos home audio special and why their products are a great fit for your Rye, NY home.

SEE ALSO: Maintain Your Home’s Style with Hidden Speakers


Sonos’ commitment to quality starts at the production level. Every Sonos product, from your basic Sonos One smart speaker to their soundbars, amplifiers and subwoofers, is made from custom-built parts and runs on proprietary software. This level of care makes it much less likely that your device will experience any sort of hardware failure, even years after you bought it.

From there, the dedication to bringing you a quality experience expands to the sound itself. Every room in your home is different, from its size to its shape and the materials used in construction. This can make getting high-performance sound throughout your home difficult, as different rooms have different acoustic properties.

Sonos’ signature Trueplay software solves this problem by automatically calibrating your devices to adjust their sound output based on the room they’re in. Simply press the Trueplay button and watch as your speakers adjust the sound output to match any sound environment. Best of all, it happens in seconds and you don’t have to calibrate anything yourself.

Finally, Sonos has made it very easy to expand your system to fit whatever needs you may have. If you start with a Sonos One for outdoor audio, you can quickly pair it with another Sonos speaker to instantly create a two-channel audio system.

From there, you can add more speakers or a soundbar to give your home theater a boost, or simply stash more speakers around your house to create an easy whole-home audio system. No matter what sort of configuration you need for your speakers, Sonos has a solution for you.


With all that said, what do you get when you bring Sonos home audio into your house?

For one, you’ll likely get much better sound than what your current speakers have to offer. While you could go out and buy some custom speakers, Sonos products are as good as it gets when it comes to retail speakers, and they’re much less expensive than many high-end brands.

You also get more capability from your sound system while simultaneously making everything easier to use. Since Sonos speakers run on your wireless network, your music or other audio can follow you anywhere around the home with ease.

You can also play different music or audio content in different rooms, and it’s all easy to manage from your phone with the Sonos app. And if you don’t have a song in your personal library, you can stream it from one of the dozens of services that works with Sonos gear.

Lastly, Sonos makes other smart home technology easier to control. As long as your device is compatible with Sonos, you can use Alexa voice control or your phone app to manage those systems. That means you can adjust your lights, shades and other home electronics using your smart speaker.


There’s so much more than Sonos home audio can do and bring into your home. To learn more about Sonos and other home automation solutions from Phoenix Audio Video, call us at (203) 338-0706 or visit our website.